Please find below a link to a webpage that details information regarding a CCG organised discussion around a proposal of a new health and wellbeing hub. Our Practice has been named as a Surgery that may have to relocate to these Premises – there are several reasons for this:

  • We have now run out of space at our Surgery on Beeches Road, and we have no expansion room.
  • Our clinical team is growing with new Social Prescribers, Pharmacists, First Contact Physiotherapist and very soon we are hoping to have Physician Associates – and space has run out. 

We are fortunate that we have our Dorrington Surgery and we will utilise this building to expand our services where we can. Dorrington Surgery was built as a Medical Practice so the facilities are fit for purpose and we do not see the Dorrington Surgery closing. Our Beeches Road premises, however, is not seen to be fit for purpose, being a converted house it was never built to be a Medical Practice. This is very apparent during this current pandemic – from a CQC infection control stand point as there is not an in/out pathway that doesn’t cross over and patients have to walk right through the surgery. Another concern is that we only have one room that reaches the NHS Specification for GP Practice Premises.

Ideally we would very much like to continue working at our current location but to be able to provide the number of appointments we need to and the points we have detailed above, this is becoming more and more difficult and with our local population growing things will become more difficult as time goes on. We have requested from the CCG that more information is provided such as location of any new hub as it is appreciated it is difficult for patients to give comments without having all the information. We ideally would love to stay within Bayston Hill centre but realise it is highly unlikely a stand-alone building for us would be financed. We therefore are very much hoping that any new build will be very close or within our Practice area. The positive view of having a new health and wellbeing hub is that we as a Practice will be able to provide many more services in one location.

We encourage you to click on the link below and complete the survey giving your views.

Best Regards

The Beeches Medical Practice